
We have assembled the following 常见问题解答 to try to help you find answers to often asked questions. 如果您没有找到下面问题的答案,请网络注册时时彩



是的; for example, GFS的化学物质 can routinely produce ton lots of lithium carbonate having a spectrographic (metals basis) purity close to 99.999%

A:我们有干燥多种无机盐的能力, 也供应许多有机酸的干盐. 例子包括高氯酸锂(用于电池电解质), 氯化铈(催化剂/引发剂), 还有柠檬酸单钾.

是的. GFS的化学物质 manufactures ton quantities of many products; some examples are perchloric acid and perchlorate salts; rare earth chemicals and formulations, especially Cerium (IV) salts and solutions; and lithium compounds. 

GFS化学公司有两个厂区,有许多生产单位. 所有的特种有机化学品都是在14000平方英尺的车间里生产的. ft facility dedicated to the production and analysis of a wide range of organic chemicals. 无机特种产品是在其他几个专用建筑中生产的. GFS化学分析材料是在不同的地点制造的.


  1. 用于分析、实验室研究和开发的试剂
  2. 用于化学加工工业的散装和特种无机盐和溶液
  3. 用于研究和工艺开发的散装和特种有机中间体

Bulk manufacturing is subject to guidelines pertaining to the EPA inventory given under section 8(b) of TSCA. Manufacture of material that is not listed on TSCA requires submission of a pre-manufacturing notice. It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure approval for use under TSCA of any product purchased from GFS的化学物质 and to advise GFS的化学物质 if a pre-manufacturing notice is required.

A:我们一直愿意与公司商谈定制产品的事宜. 请拨打800-858-9682与我们的首席药剂师通话.




问:我的货还没到. 什么时候能送到?
A: You can check your order status online or by calling our customer service line at 800-858-9682.


Q: I was told that the shipment of some hazardous materials might cost a little more from GFS的化学物质. 这是真的吗??
A:我们在运输危险物品时发现过这种情况, there are numerous instances where UPS regulations are inconsistent with DOT regulations. 在这种情况下, 我们认为必须按照交通部的规定发货, 而且可能会有一点额外的费用. 有些公司可能愿意通过UPS运送这些材料,但我们不愿意. 一个典型的例子可能是氢氧化钠溶液,一种腐蚀性液体. 经常, there are alternative means of shipment that are marginally more expensive than UPS but allow shipment in full compliance with DOT. We will be happy to address this question further in instances where your business may be significantly impacted.

问:有各种各样的规定, 难道没有和普通运营商合作成为一个路线问题吗? 
A: There are all sorts of nuances that must be addressed in getting a chemical product from our shipping dock to you. The delivery of materials to a particular station at a customer’s location can be a challenge. Another difficulty may be reconciling differences in the way that some carriers choose to classify hazardous materials compared to standard DOT classification.

问:我需要退货. 我该怎么做呢?




问:GFS的化学物质是否通过了ISO认证? ISO 9001认证到底意味着什么? 
A:这些信是指国际标准化组织. Registration to an appropriate ISO designation indicates compliance with specific standards and practices for key aspects of both manufacturing and business management. This ensures that official company procedures and protocols are consistently applied to the control of both materials and internal processes. 如果你想要一份我们的ISO证书,你可以 在此下载.

A:因为我们是多种化学产品的主要制造商, 我们很有可能提供给你所需要的产品, 以最具竞争力的价格, 还有只有家族企业才能提供的个性化服务.

A: We keep pace with our 客户 by both developing and acquiring new technology on a regular basis. Our engineering expertise recently allowed us to incorporate Farchan Laboratories’ acetylene and liquid ammonia chemistries into our new organic production operation.

A: The GFS的化学物质 catalog offers research and lab quantities of over 3000 chemicals. Requests for bulk quantities (kilos to tons) are answered promptly and sold directly to the customer. Many 客户 also buy GFS的化学物质 products conveniently through local distributors.

是的, GFS的化学物质 is a major supplier of both bulk and specialty reagents to a broad range of 客户 in all the world markets. 我们的产品可以直接从我们的俄亥俄州办事处购买, 或者来自澳大利亚的一些经销商, 亚洲, 欧洲, 和加拿大.

A:甚至在911事件之前, GFS化学公司正在其所有生产环境中实施新的控制措施. 这包括更严格地限制进入涉及化学制造的地区, 分布, 和存储. New two-way radios have been provided to improve the connection among the various buildings that make up the plant operations. 安全及保安事宜亦适用于GFS员工, 客户, 以及运输化学产品的运输代理商.

A: The general GFS的化学物质 manufacturing operation is not certified by the FDA or any other government agency for the production of chemicals that will be directly used in food, 药物, 或者美容应用. 如你需要化学品作上述用途,坚富化学无法向你出售. Many 客户 connected to these industries do buy GFS的化学物质 products to use as reactants or intermediates in their synthetic chemistries, 但不是作为消费品的添加剂.

A:可能有很多原因. We cannot sell chemicals to individuals who are not connected to a recognized business or institution. Delivery of chemicals to residential addresses is a problem because there is no way to ensure immediate receipt, 哪些是必要的,以防止材料落入坏人之手. Several chemicals are restricted in their 分布 because they are classified as 药物 precursors. These and other restrictions and guidelines are the reason why GFS的化学物质 and other reputable chemical companies require significant amounts of information in order to establish a customer account for you. 这是一个保护所有人的过程.

A: Bulk manufacturing is subject to guidelines pertaining to the EPA inventory given under section 8(b) of TSCA. Manufacture of material that is not listed on TSCA requires submission of a pre-manufacturing notice. It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure approval for use under TSCA of any product purchased from GFS的化学物质 and to advise GFS的化学物质 if a pre-manufacturing notice is required.

A: The law obligates us to demonstrate diligence in ensuring that GFS的化学物质 products are purchased and used by qualified individuals. 未列入《网络注册时时彩平台》清单的化学品, 这类材料必须只用于R&D的目的, by qualified technicians capable of understanding and communicating their respective hazards.

A: The company has about 140 employees; the production site occupies about 20 acres of land, 公司办公室位于鲍威尔,占地75英亩, 俄亥俄州, 哥伦布北部的一个郊区. 超过45,000平方米. ft. 工厂的产能是可用的.

问:谁拥有GFS化工? 是大公司的一个部门吗?
A: The company is independent and still privately owned and operated by the third generation of the Smith family.

A:我们的制造厂一直在哥伦布的同一个地方, 俄亥俄州, 自1928年公司成立以来,一直在美国经营.

A:它们是我们的创始人G教授的首字母. 弗雷德里克·史密斯,伊利诺伊大学分析化学教授.





A:是的,可以. 如果您在网上订购,您可以通过信用卡支付或输入PO号码. 如果您通过电话订购(免费电话800-858-9682),您也可以这样做。

A:登录你的账户,然后把商品放进你的购物车. 进行结帐. 完成公司和信用卡/订单信息,并选择您的送货地点.  然后提交您的订单. 如果你没有账户, you will be required to complete a chemical purchasing form that will be reviewed by our customer service department. 您只需要填写此表格一次. 如果您正在购买DEA限制物品,那么您将填写DEA表格.  You can also review your order history and you can track your order if you are a registered user.